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Sunday, 2 October 2016

Proceeding of sixth AGM


          The Sixth Annual General Body meeting of “Karnataka I.A. & A.D pensioners’ Association” was held on 10 September 2016 at Rangamandira, Eastern Quadrangle O/o The Pr. Accountant General (A&E), Bengaluru. The meeting was conducted by a joint presidium consisting of President Sri H.V. Manjunath, Vice Presidents, Shryuths M Ganesh Rao and S. Venkateshaiah.
The meeting commenced at 10.30 AM. On behalf of the Executive Committee President welcomed the participants to the AGM and composed the house. The President in his introductory remarks traced the growth of Association since its formation on 31-3-2010. He also explained the social and charitable activities taken up by Association as well as about the Sports Fest conducted by the Association June 12 2016.

Secretary Shri S. Radhakrishna informed the house that the Executive Committee had issued notice for GB on 10-07-2016 along with agenda of the meeting.   The same was also published in the July 2016 issue of Association journal “Pensioners’ Dhvani”. The house unanimously decided to take the meeting notice as read and approved the agenda of the meeting.
Secretary moving condolence resolution informed that following members have passed away since last General body meeting:
1) K.K Nannappa, 2) M Dinakaran, 3) J Manual, 4) A Krishnamurthy, 5) CS Viseswara, 7) H.P. Aithal, 8) V.A. Bhimannnavar, 9) B Lalitha, 10) S Gururaja Rao 6) TR Gururaja Rao, 11) K Mukundhan, 12) R Gururaja Rao, 13) H.M. Azeez Pasha, 14) B Padhmanabhan 15) K Ravee, 16) C Narayana Murthy, 17) HS Vishwanath, 18) BM Bhat. 
He requested the members to observe a minute’s silence in memory of the departed members.
The house observed a minutes silence in memory of departed souls
The first item of the agenda Confirmation of Minutes of Fifth Annual General Body meeting held on 12 September 2015 was taken up.  Secretary informed that the minutes had been published in the October 2015 issue of journal and no comments have been received on the minutes.  The house adopted the minutes and confirmed,
The second item of agenda Secretary’s Report and Audited Statement of Accounts for the year 2015-16 was taken up. Secretary introducing the Annual Report explained about the decisions taken by Government accepting the 7th CPC recommendations. Though the Government has accepted the recommendation regarding parity in pension between pre-2016 and post 2016 retirees, it has put a rider that feasibility of its implementation will be examined by a committee. A committee for the purpose has been constituted with Secretary Department of Pensions as Chairman.  The Staff side representatives of JCM had first meeting with committee on 12-08-2016.  Secretary informed the house about the discussions he had with Com KKN Kutty Secretary General National Coordination Committee of CG pensioners Associations (NCCPA) and President Confederation who was one of the staff side member who participated in the meeting with committee.  He also stated that as of now the committee is reluctant to implement parity recommendation. Therefore to achieve the parity issue concerted action is required by pensioners’ organisations.  Explaining the financial position he said affairs of the Association is being managed by liberal donations of members as entire membership subscription and 90% of life time subscription to journal has to be captitalised.    As a result of implementing 7 CPC recommendations members are getting arrears of pension. He requested members to make liberal donations from the arrears of pension received. He requested the members seriously consider accepting the President’s suggestion of 10% or more of arrears as donation to Association.  He also informed that a branch of the Association has been formed at Dharwad with Shri SK Deshpande as convenor and the formation of branch may please be ratified.  He further informed the house that as per the decision taken by fifth AGM the sending of journal to the subscribers who have not renewed their subscription for 2016 will be suspended from January 2017 issue.  He appealed to members to renew their subscription before the end of the month of March every year.   Introducing audited statement of Accounts for the year 2015-16 stated that Association was able to manage the affairs mainly due to the liberal donations by members. While thanking all the donors he appealed to members to continue to give liberal donations.  Shri K.S. Chithprakash proposing for the adoption of report and accounts appreciated the work being done by the Association.  He appealed to all members to donate liberally.  Shri T.V. Partha Sarathy seconded the proposal of Shri Chithprakash.  The house unanimously adopted report and audited accounts for the year 2015-16.
Next item of agenda amendments to Meomarandum of Association, Rules and regulations of Association was taken up.  Secretary introduced following amendments:
Amendments to MOA
Sl No.
Existing provision
Proposed amendment
The Registered office of the Association shall be in Bangalore and located in NO. 212 ‘Kaveri’ 7th ‘A’ Main, Hampinagara, Bangalore 560104.

The Registered office of the Association shall be in the Secretary’s Residence in Bangalore and for the present located in NO. 212 ‘Kaveri’ 7th ‘A’ Main, Hampinagara, Bangalore 560104.

To bring in more clarity regarding location of Registered Office of the Association
6.         INCOME
The income of the Association, by whatever means it might derive shall be utilised for the purpose of the objects of the Association and shall not be distributed among the members of the association or any person or body of persons.


The funds and the income of the Association shall be solely utiliised for the achievement of its objectives and no portion of it shall be utilized for payment to the members by way of profit, interest, dividend etc., either directly or indirectly.

To meet the requirement of IT Act 1961

Amendments to Rules and Regulations

Sl No.
Existing provision
Proposed amendment
2. Interpretations
a)      Association shall mean “Karnataka I.A &A.D Pensioners’ Association”.
b)      “Act” shall mean “Karnataka State Registration of Societies Act 1960” and Rules 1961.
c)      Memorandum shall mean “Memorandum of Association”.
d)     Rules and Regulations shall mean “Rules and regulations” of “Karnataka I.A &A.D Pensioners’ Association”.
e)      “Member” shall mean a member of the Association whose name is entered in the membership register in accordance with the Rules and Regulations.
f)       “Associate Member” means, a pensioner of any department of Government of India, other than a pensioner belonging to the Indian Audit & Accounts Department.
g)      “Year” shall mean Financial year from 1st April to 31st March of next year consisting a period of 12 months.
h)      “Committee” shall mean the Executive Committee of the Association

2. Interpretations
a)      Association shall mean “Karnataka I.A &A.D Pensioners’ Association”.
b)      “Act” shall mean “Karnataka State Registration of Societies Act 1960” and Rules 1961.
c)      IT Act 1961 shall mean Income Tax Act 1961 and Income Tax Rules
d)     Memorandum shall mean “Memorandum of Association”.
e)      Rules and Regulations shall mean “Rules and regulations” of “Karnataka I.A &A.D Pensioners’ Association”.
f)       “Member” shall mean a member of the Association whose name is entered in the membership register in accordance with the Rules and Regulations.
g)      “Associate Member” means, a pensioner of any department of Government of India, other than a pensioner belonging to the Indian Audit & Accounts Department.
h)      “Year” shall mean Financial Year from 1st April to 31st March of next year consisting a period of 12 months.
i)        “Committee” shall mean the Executive Committee of the Association

To meet the requirement of IT Act 1961
6. Application of Funds
a)      The funds of the Association shall be deposited in any Nationalized Bank, scheduled Bank or AGOECB in an Account in the name of the Association i.e., ‘Karnataka I.A. & A.D Pensioners’ Association’ and shall be operated jointly by the Secretary and Treasurer or President.
b)      Funds not required for expenses in the foreseeable future shall be kept under “Fixed Deposit” and shall be operated jointly by the Secretary and Treasurer or President.
c)      Funds required for the activities of the Association shall be raised by collecting:
v  Admission fees
v  Subscriptions
v  Donations
v  Advertisements
v  And such other means as may be decided by the Committee depending on the exigencies of requirements and circumstances.

6. Application of Funds
a)      The funds of the Association shall be deposited in any Nationalized Bank, scheduled Bank or AGOECB in an Account in the name of the Association i.e., ‘Karnataka I.A. & A.D Pensioners’ Association’ and shall be operated jointly by the Secretary and Treasurer or President.
b)      The Funds may also be invested in:
Ø  Any Central or State Government Securities;
Ø  Immovable property
c)      Funds not required for expenses in the foreseeable future shall be kept under “Fixed Deposit” and shall be operated jointly by the Secretary and Treasurer or President.
d)     Funds required for the activities of the Association shall be raised by collecting:
v  Admission fees
v  Subscriptions
v  Donations
v  Advertisements
v  And such other means as may be decided by the Committee depending on the exigencies of requirements and circumstances.

To meet the requirement of IT Act 1961
15. Amendments to the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulation 
Any amendment to the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulation shall be made as per the provisions of Section 9 & 10 of ‘Karnataka Registration of Societies Act 1960’ in the general body meeting specifically convened for the purpose by a resolution proposing the amendment and is passed by the members present in the meeting by casting vote and at least by two third majority of members presented and voted and to be incorporated after the approval of Registrar of Societies.

15. Amendments to the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulation 
Any amendment to the Memorandum of Association and Rules and Regulation shall be made as per the provisions of Section 9 & 10 of ‘Karnataka Registration of Societies Act 1960’ in the general body meeting specifically convened for the purpose by a resolution proposing the amendment and is passed by the members present in the meeting by casting vote and at least by two third majority of members presented and voted. No Amendments shall be made which may be repugnant to the provisions of Section 2(15), 11, 12, 13, and 80 G of IT Act.  Amendments to be incorporated after the approval of Registrar of Societies.

To meet the requirement of IT Act 1961
In case of amalgamation of the association with any other association or dissolution of the association, the provisions of Sections 21, 22 and 23 of the Act shall be followed.

1.      In case of amalgamation of the association with any other association or dissolution of the association, the provisions of Sections 21, 22 and 23 of the Act shall be followed. the assets remaining as on date of dissolution shall in no circumstances be distributed among the members of the Association but same shall be transferred to another charitable Association whose objects are similar to those of this Association and is registered u/s 12A, which further enjoys recognition under section 80g of the IT Act 1961 as amended from time to time.

To meet the requirement of IT Act 1961

The Secretary explained each clause of the amendments proposed and reasons for the amendments.  Mainly amendments have been proposed to meet the requirement of Income Tax Act and Income Tax Rules.  After discussion of each amendment in which Shriyuths Chitprakash, Suryanarayana Rao, Ravindra, Palmurkar, Suresh and Giridhar participated, the house unanimously approved the amendments.
Next item of agenda Election of members to the Executive Committee for the year 2016-17-18 was taken up.  Secretary informed that no nominations have been received.  In such a situation as per Rule 10 of the Rules & Regulations of the Association general body has to nominate the members to Executive committee.  Shri Chitprakash proposed that the present committee has done a good job and the same committee can continue for next two years.  Shri RK Desai seconded the proposal.  Therefore following members were declared as elected to the executive committee for the years 2016-7 and 2017-18.
1) Manjunath HV,   2) Rajendra Babu G   3) Radhakrishna S    4) Jayaram MS,
 5) Nagarajan GP, 6) Basavaraj M, 7) Ganesh Rao M, 8) Venkateshaiah S,
9) Keshava Das, 10) Krishna S, 11) Venkatesh MG, 12) Ganesh H Patavardhan
13) Narasimha Murthy SG, 14) Shailaja TK and 15) Gayathri MS.
Nomination of Auditor for the years 2016-17 and 2017-18 was taken up. Proposal of Secretary for continuing present Auditor Shri K.S. Ravi of Ravi & Srihari, Charted Accountants was approved and also the Secretary authorised to decide the remuneration to the Auditor in consultation with executive committee.
The President in his concluding remarks thanked the members for their co-operation in running the Association.  As Association is proposing to expand its activities he appealed to members to strengthen the finances of the Association by liberal donations.
There were no items under ‘Any other subject’. Then house took up Honouring of senior members.  Secretary stated that all those who are members as on 31 March 2016 and completing/completed 80 years on 31 December 2016 year in which AGM is being held is being honoured. 
The house was converted to Open Session.  The Chief Guest for Open Session was Shri R Naresh IA & AS Accountant General (A&E).     Shriyuths K.O.Manjunath Sr. DAG (Admin) and K.S.Murali DAG (GE) of O/o Thhe AG (A&E) were guests of honour.  The open session commenced with rendering of invocation by Shri BV Manjunath. The dignitaries led by Chief Guest performed the traditional lighting of lamp.  President welcomed the guest and the audience. He also introduced the Chief Guest and Guests of Honour. The Secretary in his brief report explained the aims and objectives of the Association. He requested the AG (A&E) who is also in charge of PAO to expedite issue of revised PPOs to pre-2016 retirees. Shri Naresh AG inaugurating the open session expressed his happiness about the functioning of pensioners association 12 out of 23 members who were above 80 and present were honoured by the Chief Guest. The Secretary informed that arrangements have been made to send the memento and Shawl in token of honouring to the residences of remaining 11 members who due personal reasons were not able to come to General body.  Felicitated members spoke recalling their days in office and thanked the Association for the felicitation.
Shri GP Nagarajan Joint Secretary proposed vote of thanks.
            The meeting concluded at 1 P.M with rendering of National Anthem and meeting was declared closed. Lunch was served to members.
